I found the task quite interesting last week and left me wondering how many of those "bad things" people had done were actually the truth. I mean really, shoving a dildo up a dogs bottom? I hardly doubt that was true....well at least I hope not! I don't believe any of the ones involving animals could be considered as harmless. I don't agree that using an animals in such a way purely for fun can be considered ok, it's just wrong. I think some things that were mentioned such as having sex with someone in a toilet when drunk isn't a bad thing to do as such...well as long as both people consent to it then its their business really. To some it might be considered disgusting or immoral or slaggish but it's all down to the individual and if you aren't hurting/endangering anyone else then it's not really bad is it. I personally think that everyone gets the urge to do something "bad" or naughty/daring etc, it's human nature to crave a bit of fun. There's a difference between being bad and being evil. One of the confessions last week mentioned a guy who lied that he had a brain tumour to get out of a relationship. Whether it was true or not I think this situation is more evil than anything. Lying about an illness like that and then making a huge joke out of it, compared to two people having sex in a publc toilet to me are no where near in the same leaugue. When the "bad" thing involves hurting others I think it is wrong, but doing a bad thing such as being a bit daring or adventurous is just harmless fun if not harming anyone else.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks when discussing things such as smoking and masturbation because it's one of those things that is just a persons own choice, but I guess I'lll get on to that tomorrow!
In the mean time here's a quiz to test if you're bad or not. Have fun.
peace xx

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