Now where had I got up to....oh yes...infidelity.
I think I'll just dive right in there because to be honest I'm sitting in a freezing cold room, in the dark and with no glasses on so I'm going to be as quick and blunt as possible to get this blog over with.
Infidelity -
1. marital disloyalty; adultery.
2.unfaithfulness; disloyalty.
Incase you're wondering where I found that definition (but mostly because I need some links in here) Go to this website dictionary
So there we have it, infidelity - cheatin on yer boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife...or whatever floats your boat.
Now, I don't think cheating is really a nice thing to do to your partner but lets be honest here sometimes it just...well...happens. I for one can hold my hand up and say yes I have cheated on my boyfriend (whom of which will remain nameless for safety reasons but I'd like to stress that we are no longer together..for obvious reasons)
I was fortunate enough not to get caught and no I am not stupid enough to admit I cheated on him because thats silly ladies and gentlemen :) I don't think that what I did was a good thing to do from his point of view but well considering we broke up anyway because we just weren't right I can look back and say well that was a great shag Im glad I didnt waste that oppourtunity being faithful to my boyfriend. Now reading that back makes me sound like a horrible person..hmm but come on though sometimes when you're drunk you just can't help things can you? So what exactly IS cheating? What qualifies as cheating? To my boyfriend EVERYTHING was cheating. From a smile across the room to kissing my female friend so obviously he wouldn't let pass the fact I shagged his mate in a car park now would he. I think its wrong to cheat but at the time I was getting such a high off it. It became so addictive sneaking about with text messages and the thrill of having sex knowing it was wrong and I could get caught but it just made it more fun! I think the reason I carried on doing it so much was because me and my boyfriend were having really bad patches and I had tried to break it off but it just wasnt going well so the cheating gave me a new thing to look forward to. I admit yes it was a bitchy horrible mean thing to do to him but I never got caught and yeah it was fun. However, if i found out my boyfriend had been seeing someone behind my back I'd be hurt, very very hurt so I guess that makes me an evil cow. I put it down to age though and your situation in life. I'm 19 and got into my first serious relationship at 16 which lasted nearly 2 years then straight into another one for nearly 2 years again so I was craving fun and single life. My boyfriend wouldn't accept that we were heading for a break up so we were doing everything we coudl to save the relationship btu it was clear to me it would never work so I just well went for it. I shagged his mate who can i just add was very good :P and I had a blast. Finally we broke up and I dont regret a thing purely because I was being young and stupid at the time and why not. I think a situation like that is different to me being with someone I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and then carrying on behind his back. I don't think cheating in marriage is right either, because you were daft enough to make those vows so bloody well stick to them. Oh gosh you know what I don't even know what I believe actually! hahah for me cheating was a thrill, a rush, an adventure and most certainly a fun experience but only because I didn't get caught and because I knew I wasn't going to be with him much longer so was enjoying the moment with someone else. I think a lot of serious relationships at young ages are harder to maintain because of the culture and temptation. You think you knwo what you want but you're mind is changing and you're growing up and changing into new people so you want different things. For me I wanted a new life and new people and he just wasnt the one for me so I think of it as part of growing up.
Apparently we might not be to blame for out actions and it could be our genes according to the guardian
I'm getting tired of this subject now, its that time of the month so I hate all men and everything else in the world so I might post another blog in a few days with something more interesting t say about infidelity but for now I'll leave you with what I've said and a nice picture too
peace xxx

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