Can you be TOO religious?
Well I suppose you can be TOO anything really can't you. I'm not particularly religious myself, I try to just do what I believe is the right thing or if that fails then do whetever the hell I want and then cry about the consequences later. I think if a person chooses to believe in God then good on them but I think when the religion they pick starts teaching to hate others or something then its wrong. I remember a few years back someone I knew had gone through a tough time in their life and had already experienced quite a horrible childhood and then got into bad things later in life and one day he met two people who told him they were christians. He had already known them from work before I think but they become close friends. These two people regularly visited a church run by a certain someone I can't remember his man but he claimed to be a man of God. My friend went along to a meeting and they all seemed really nice discussing god and the life of Jesus etc etc and my friend seemed to be happy. I was happy because he seemed to be on the right track for once. However it soon got out of control and in the meetings they were taught that homosexual people were evil and that the devil controlled them. They were told that sex before marriage is evil, as is living with someone before you are married. They were also told to give so much of their wages a month to help this community of preachers spread the word of Jesus but it soon became clear that a lot of brain washing was going on. My friend changed as a person and became obsessive and even burned his collection of CD's because he was told that anything other than gospel music was evil and apart of the devils plan. What I noticed about a lot of the people who were following this "religion" was that they had all hada tough life of some sort and conveniently found the church at th lowest point of their life and now thank the church for restoring thier faith and making them born again christians. They clearly took weak people and brain washed them into thinking they were controlled by th devil before hand and making them believe these obsurd things. I don't think this is right at all. To teach people to hate homosexuals or people who have had sex before marriage is wrong. I think when religion gets the this point then its not religion its just bullshit. I don't think there is anything wrong with believing in God and attending church as long as they're teaching to be better people and not obsurd brainwashing poppycock!
Also, being a HUGE fan of River Phoenix I can't help but drop him into this post! When he was younger him and his family joined a group called The Children of God who were supposed to be good people teaching the word of God and getting people to join the religion. However it turned out the leader of the group was getting the women to have sex with people in order to secure more followers. It was also said that children were abused too. More can be found about the Children of God cult on the internet, here's a site I found with some information.
Well I suppose you can be TOO anything really can't you. I'm not particularly religious myself, I try to just do what I believe is the right thing or if that fails then do whetever the hell I want and then cry about the consequences later. I think if a person chooses to believe in God then good on them but I think when the religion they pick starts teaching to hate others or something then its wrong. I remember a few years back someone I knew had gone through a tough time in their life and had already experienced quite a horrible childhood and then got into bad things later in life and one day he met two people who told him they were christians. He had already known them from work before I think but they become close friends. These two people regularly visited a church run by a certain someone I can't remember his man but he claimed to be a man of God. My friend went along to a meeting and they all seemed really nice discussing god and the life of Jesus etc etc and my friend seemed to be happy. I was happy because he seemed to be on the right track for once. However it soon got out of control and in the meetings they were taught that homosexual people were evil and that the devil controlled them. They were told that sex before marriage is evil, as is living with someone before you are married. They were also told to give so much of their wages a month to help this community of preachers spread the word of Jesus but it soon became clear that a lot of brain washing was going on. My friend changed as a person and became obsessive and even burned his collection of CD's because he was told that anything other than gospel music was evil and apart of the devils plan. What I noticed about a lot of the people who were following this "religion" was that they had all hada tough life of some sort and conveniently found the church at th lowest point of their life and now thank the church for restoring thier faith and making them born again christians. They clearly took weak people and brain washed them into thinking they were controlled by th devil before hand and making them believe these obsurd things. I don't think this is right at all. To teach people to hate homosexuals or people who have had sex before marriage is wrong. I think when religion gets the this point then its not religion its just bullshit. I don't think there is anything wrong with believing in God and attending church as long as they're teaching to be better people and not obsurd brainwashing poppycock!
Also, being a HUGE fan of River Phoenix I can't help but drop him into this post! When he was younger him and his family joined a group called The Children of God who were supposed to be good people teaching the word of God and getting people to join the religion. However it turned out the leader of the group was getting the women to have sex with people in order to secure more followers. It was also said that children were abused too. More can be found about the Children of God cult on the internet, here's a site I found with some information.
So basically I think the whole cult religion thing is ridiculous. You should just live as good people, don't hurt others or break the law and you can't go wrong. I don't think its right to prey on innocent people who clearly have problems in their lives and tell them what is right and wrong and how to live their life. A person's life is their own. Also, I don't find anythign wrong with people who live to serve their God or whatever, if it makes you happy then so be it but don't force it onto others. You shoul respect people's opinions and life style and not go around preaching what you think is right or wrong. I don't like being approaced in town hounded with leaflets and being made into giving money to what they say is helping towards spreading the word. If I one day decide to be all religious then I'll bloody well go to a church for information I won't go walking around town waiting for a random to give me thousand leaflets on Jesus so don't give them to me!

I bet if Jesus were here now he'd just want us all to chill the hell out and enjoy life being good people. Sod all this cult nonsene and hating other people for petty things and just have fun
peace xxxx
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