19 (20 in 4 months yay!!)
What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
BA (hons) Creative and Professional Writing and English
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
Not exactly but I've enjoyed every minute of it! However as I chose a creative writing piece for my assignment it has been similar
If so, how? And if not, why not?
well like i said its not your average module on english or writing but I think it relates well to the things im interested in. I enjoy creative writing all about the nitty gritty things of life and being bad has inspired me with my writing ideas. So in all, thumbs up :)
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I think its been just about right actually
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
I liked the wide range of topics covered I think they were all very interesting and inspiring. I think they were all very appropriate to the module and made good starting points on things to discuss
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
I can't think of any at this moment in time but I'm always open to discussions of being naughty ;)
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Classes were excellent I believe
What did you think of the module team?
team? as in the lecturers? or the class? Well I thought both were fine :) Lecturers were entertaining especially the one I bumped into in quadrant lounge that one night during my staff party hahaha!
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
I think the blogs gave us the chance to discuss things further so small group discussions werent really needed in class time I don't think
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Perhaps more input from the students would have been interesting but like I said that opportunity was given with blogs
Information and talk from lecturers?
nah I think lecturers said what had to be said and did a good job
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes I thought it was marvellous.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
They are indeed, you gotta love em all
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yeah totally, it gave me a chance to discuss being bad in films which I miss doing as I don't do film studies :( wish I had have done as it was ace in semester 1
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Indeed I would
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
why certainly!
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
I definitely do recommend :P both the module and the act of being bad
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
absolutely! I loved every minute of them
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
No I liked that we got a variety and a chance to improve on the second one
What have you learned from the module?
That being bad is the route to all fun. That having sex with a lecturer may be ever so fun too. That everyone has their own opinions and in life sometimes you just have to agree to disagree
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I found all of it useful, from the blogs to the lectures because I learned what others opinions of certain topics are and learned some interesting facts about masturbation too. I found the whole module very exciting indeed
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
The fact that we didn't carry on some of the lectures in varsity and put all ths being bad talk into action :P
Other than that I don't think any of it was a waste of time
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
Just that I truly did enjoy the whole experience and hope to see more modules like this in the future
peace and love all xxxx
Monday, 7 May 2007
Sunday, 6 May 2007
sex with a lecturer?
Is it wrong to have sex with your lecturer?

What if he was really hot?
What if you both got awfully drunk and bumped into eachother in a bar?
What if it was the end of a lecture and you asked for extra help with your assignment but it ended with wild sex in a store cupboard?
Now don't tell me that these things havent crossed your mind in a brief daydream during a tiresome lecture. But is it wrong for a lecturer and a student to have sex?
If they both consent to it, and grades aren't changed because of the sexual favours and it is purely just a case of two people wanting to have mad sex with eachother then is it ok?
I must say I do find the whole idea very sexy. I do enjoy doing things that are considered naughty to some. I like the thought of getting away with something like having sex with a lecturer or someone of authority. Does anyone else get turned on by this? Maybe I am just an incredibly horny individual and I'm sorry if my blog offends any lecturers out there but I'm sure I'm not the first to think about it.
Interesting thought isn't it.....

Saturday, 5 May 2007
blog comment: Alfredo Garcia

Hello all.
Thank you for your comment Alfredo, I found it quite amusing :P I am yet to write my entry on "sex with a lecturer" and only put the title to remind myself to do so as I've been very busy lately.
I couldn't help scroll down your page and read your entries, I found them very very interesting! I do enjoy your style of writing very much indeed and thought I would comment on your post titled "telephone etiquette"
For those who haven't read it here is the link
For some reason when ever my mobile phone used to ring I would always feel I HAD to answer it purely because well it was ringing. I never ignored it, it just felt wrong doing so. However I must admit that lately I have been avoiding my phone ever so slightly, but only because it happens to be people asking me to do things I don't want to do. For example, work asking me to do more shifts that I just don't have time to do or certain ex boyfriends pestering me. Or my personal favourite, random people I have met on a drunken night out and felt obliged to give them my number when extremely intoxicated. The next morning I think oh god what did I give him my number for! and then RING RING RING RING there they are calling to see how I'm doing. I don't mind it too much because I can just put my mobile on silent and pretend its not there but what I HATE HATE HATE is when I get called on my home phone and my dad answers it or mom and if its someone I don't want to talk to I try to mouth "say im not here" but my parents cant understand what I'm trying to say. Then the person on the line can clearly hear whisphering going on so you HAVE to go to the phone else they would know by the long pause and someone saying "oh shes not in" that actually I am there but don't want to talk.
Telephones....can live with them yet can't live without them.
and dont even get me started on mobile phone network hotlines!! No really I'm not even going to get into it because I'll be here all night
peace all xxxx
Thank you for your comment Alfredo, I found it quite amusing :P I am yet to write my entry on "sex with a lecturer" and only put the title to remind myself to do so as I've been very busy lately.
I couldn't help scroll down your page and read your entries, I found them very very interesting! I do enjoy your style of writing very much indeed and thought I would comment on your post titled "telephone etiquette"
For those who haven't read it here is the link
For some reason when ever my mobile phone used to ring I would always feel I HAD to answer it purely because well it was ringing. I never ignored it, it just felt wrong doing so. However I must admit that lately I have been avoiding my phone ever so slightly, but only because it happens to be people asking me to do things I don't want to do. For example, work asking me to do more shifts that I just don't have time to do or certain ex boyfriends pestering me. Or my personal favourite, random people I have met on a drunken night out and felt obliged to give them my number when extremely intoxicated. The next morning I think oh god what did I give him my number for! and then RING RING RING RING there they are calling to see how I'm doing. I don't mind it too much because I can just put my mobile on silent and pretend its not there but what I HATE HATE HATE is when I get called on my home phone and my dad answers it or mom and if its someone I don't want to talk to I try to mouth "say im not here" but my parents cant understand what I'm trying to say. Then the person on the line can clearly hear whisphering going on so you HAVE to go to the phone else they would know by the long pause and someone saying "oh shes not in" that actually I am there but don't want to talk.
Telephones....can live with them yet can't live without them.
and dont even get me started on mobile phone network hotlines!! No really I'm not even going to get into it because I'll be here all night
peace all xxxx
Friday, 4 May 2007
Blog comment: Simone Wesley
Unfortunately I didn't attend the bad cinema lecture as I had work that night and couldn't get out of it. However I did go and buy myself a copy of the film "kids"
Scrolling through people's blogs I found a comment on the film made by Simone Wesley. To see it go here

Scrolling through people's blogs I found a comment on the film made by Simone Wesley. To see it go here
"I can't believed what I'm seen, but then when you think relistic, this film has more truth, heart and drama (including great dramatic acting and scenes) that most films I've ever seen and basically"
This brings me onto the issue of bad cinema and bad comedians and whether the content is appropriate and should be shown on tv or film. I don't believe that a film can be too graphic in content. Film, TV, Theatre and literature are the ways artists, writers, directors and actors express themselves and their opinions or the issues they want to address. As long as it has been certified the right age then whats wrong with it? The film "Kids" in my opinion just expresses real life and what goes on. There is nothing in that film that shocks me when I watch it because its happening around us every day.
There shouldn't be anything wrong with a film that has graphic content or is true to real life. It doesn't mean the film is celebrating these acts or telling the audience to go out and replicate these. The film purely addresses the problems of young people today and tries to show what really goes on.

Thursday, 3 May 2007
Blog comment: Naomi Griffiths
I was considering writing a blog on alcohol and the whole binge drinking issues but as I was reading through Naomi's blog I noticed she had done the same so instead I will just turn this post into a comment :P
Naomi's blog entry titled binge drinking makes a very good point I think. Theres nothing wrong with going out and having a couple of drinks, and lets face it everyone makes the mistake of having one..or ten too many and end up doing something stupid and waking up the next morning feeling like a right moron. However I do think that more young people are getting into drinking and at that age don't know their limit in alcohol. I think its ok to have a few drinks but to be getting drunk most nights as a student might seem fun at first but wont be doing your liver any good.
But what I'd like to just comment on is the problem of people being safe on a night out. Drinking too much and not knowing where you are is one issue and yes in the long run its not good for your health but another thing that I've noticed is happening to people around me is drinks getting spiked.
Its one of those things people always say "be careful look after your drinks and dont leave them unattended" etc etc But how many of us actually do look after our drinks? Unfortunately I've had an experience with my drink being spiked that did not end happily. You don't have to be blind drunk to begin with and unaware of people around you to make the mistake of leaving your drink unattended or taking a drink from someone you think is your friend or at least a trusted person.
NHS direct list some information about date rape drugs and the symptoms. Its worth a read and please if you're out on a night then look after your drinks and what out for people behaving strangly. A person may appear to be a nice person but you don't know what they are like deep down.
Naomi's blog entry titled binge drinking makes a very good point I think. Theres nothing wrong with going out and having a couple of drinks, and lets face it everyone makes the mistake of having one..or ten too many and end up doing something stupid and waking up the next morning feeling like a right moron. However I do think that more young people are getting into drinking and at that age don't know their limit in alcohol. I think its ok to have a few drinks but to be getting drunk most nights as a student might seem fun at first but wont be doing your liver any good.
But what I'd like to just comment on is the problem of people being safe on a night out. Drinking too much and not knowing where you are is one issue and yes in the long run its not good for your health but another thing that I've noticed is happening to people around me is drinks getting spiked.
Its one of those things people always say "be careful look after your drinks and dont leave them unattended" etc etc But how many of us actually do look after our drinks? Unfortunately I've had an experience with my drink being spiked that did not end happily. You don't have to be blind drunk to begin with and unaware of people around you to make the mistake of leaving your drink unattended or taking a drink from someone you think is your friend or at least a trusted person.
NHS direct list some information about date rape drugs and the symptoms. Its worth a read and please if you're out on a night then look after your drinks and what out for people behaving strangly. A person may appear to be a nice person but you don't know what they are like deep down.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Is eating a pick and mix sweet out of the display at asda classed as shop lifting?
A while back my friends were in a shop and took a sweet out of the pick and mix stand each and ate it. They then got kicked out of the shop. When I was younger I would always go to asda with my parents and steal a chocolate peanut or smartie or chocolate mouse out of the pick and mix and be all sneaky about it and then giggle. Is this classed as shop lifting? Is it wrong? I've never thought it was THAT bad I mean just one little sweet. I find it hilarious that my friends got kicked out of the shop for eating one sweet because come on theres a lot worse you can do. I always see people eating the sweets out of the pick and mix, its a bit much to expect that no one will be tempted to do so.
If you worked in a shop and you saw someone eat a sweet from the pick and miz stand would you say something? Would you make them pay or it? give them a warning? kick them out?
Or would you wait until they had walked off and then steal one yourself?
I don't think its a crime worth making a fuss over but I guess if everyone in the shop did it then thats a hell of a lot of sweets stolen! hahaha
I suggest you all go to think site and buy sweets
If you worked in a shop and you saw someone eat a sweet from the pick and miz stand would you say something? Would you make them pay or it? give them a warning? kick them out?
Or would you wait until they had walked off and then steal one yourself?
I don't think its a crime worth making a fuss over but I guess if everyone in the shop did it then thats a hell of a lot of sweets stolen! hahaha
I suggest you all go to think site and buy sweets

Tuesday, 1 May 2007
The smoking ban
On July 1st 2007 the smoking ban will take effect in the UK. This will mean that it is illegal to smoke in any enclosed building or area open to the public such as pubs, restaurants, places of work etc.
People who break this law can face on-the-spot fines of £50 and even up to £1000 if the charges are brought to court.
The exact requirements for this law are as followed:
•Display specific signage in a prominent position at each entrance.
• Premises signage must contain the wording "No smoking. It is against the law to smoke in these premises."
• Secondary 'employee only' entrances require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.
• Entrances to smoke-free premises within other smoke-free premises require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.
• All public transport plus business vehicles need to display a no smoking symbol.
My view on the whole thing is yes in the long run it will be good for everyone because its not fair on people who hate smoking have to put up with other people's second hand smoke. Its also good for people like me who work in bars because we wont have to spend ages sweeping up all the cigarette ends and cleaning ash trays with bits of old chewing gum stuck to things and whatnot.
However, I do smoke sometimes myself and enjoy a cigarette with my diet coke when I'm in the pub sitting with my friends. I'm not addicted I must add and just enjoy it sometimes and I will miss nt ebing able to do tat. On the other hand I suppose its come at a good time because if I do carry on smoking casually like I do then it would probably turn into a full blown addiction and that can't be good!
I think I see the good and bad points of it. You can't sell cigarettes in every newsagent, supermarkets and offlicense but then say oh but you can't smoke them anywhere and have to be so far from a public building if you're smoking outside. Where will people smoke? hahaha. Well there's still homes I guess. I think it will be good in the long run, just a pain in th arse to get used to for a lot of people :P
However, I am really going to miss me and my friend Jennie (HI JENNIE!) sitting with our glasses of wine and cigarette having a good old natter. I guess when winter comes we'll have to make use of those gloves, scarves and wooly hats and take our wine outside :P
I suppose to conclude, its not TOO bad and will benefit people's health.
If you want to find out more about the smoking bad then clickety click the link
People who break this law can face on-the-spot fines of £50 and even up to £1000 if the charges are brought to court.
The exact requirements for this law are as followed:
•Display specific signage in a prominent position at each entrance.
• Premises signage must contain the wording "No smoking. It is against the law to smoke in these premises."
• Secondary 'employee only' entrances require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.
• Entrances to smoke-free premises within other smoke-free premises require a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm Dia.
• All public transport plus business vehicles need to display a no smoking symbol.
My view on the whole thing is yes in the long run it will be good for everyone because its not fair on people who hate smoking have to put up with other people's second hand smoke. Its also good for people like me who work in bars because we wont have to spend ages sweeping up all the cigarette ends and cleaning ash trays with bits of old chewing gum stuck to things and whatnot.
However, I do smoke sometimes myself and enjoy a cigarette with my diet coke when I'm in the pub sitting with my friends. I'm not addicted I must add and just enjoy it sometimes and I will miss nt ebing able to do tat. On the other hand I suppose its come at a good time because if I do carry on smoking casually like I do then it would probably turn into a full blown addiction and that can't be good!
I think I see the good and bad points of it. You can't sell cigarettes in every newsagent, supermarkets and offlicense but then say oh but you can't smoke them anywhere and have to be so far from a public building if you're smoking outside. Where will people smoke? hahaha. Well there's still homes I guess. I think it will be good in the long run, just a pain in th arse to get used to for a lot of people :P
However, I am really going to miss me and my friend Jennie (HI JENNIE!) sitting with our glasses of wine and cigarette having a good old natter. I guess when winter comes we'll have to make use of those gloves, scarves and wooly hats and take our wine outside :P
I suppose to conclude, its not TOO bad and will benefit people's health.
If you want to find out more about the smoking bad then clickety click the link
I'll leave you with these images of sexyness and smoking
peace xxx
Monday, 30 April 2007
too religious?
Can you be TOO religious?
Well I suppose you can be TOO anything really can't you. I'm not particularly religious myself, I try to just do what I believe is the right thing or if that fails then do whetever the hell I want and then cry about the consequences later. I think if a person chooses to believe in God then good on them but I think when the religion they pick starts teaching to hate others or something then its wrong. I remember a few years back someone I knew had gone through a tough time in their life and had already experienced quite a horrible childhood and then got into bad things later in life and one day he met two people who told him they were christians. He had already known them from work before I think but they become close friends. These two people regularly visited a church run by a certain someone I can't remember his man but he claimed to be a man of God. My friend went along to a meeting and they all seemed really nice discussing god and the life of Jesus etc etc and my friend seemed to be happy. I was happy because he seemed to be on the right track for once. However it soon got out of control and in the meetings they were taught that homosexual people were evil and that the devil controlled them. They were told that sex before marriage is evil, as is living with someone before you are married. They were also told to give so much of their wages a month to help this community of preachers spread the word of Jesus but it soon became clear that a lot of brain washing was going on. My friend changed as a person and became obsessive and even burned his collection of CD's because he was told that anything other than gospel music was evil and apart of the devils plan. What I noticed about a lot of the people who were following this "religion" was that they had all hada tough life of some sort and conveniently found the church at th lowest point of their life and now thank the church for restoring thier faith and making them born again christians. They clearly took weak people and brain washed them into thinking they were controlled by th devil before hand and making them believe these obsurd things. I don't think this is right at all. To teach people to hate homosexuals or people who have had sex before marriage is wrong. I think when religion gets the this point then its not religion its just bullshit. I don't think there is anything wrong with believing in God and attending church as long as they're teaching to be better people and not obsurd brainwashing poppycock!
Also, being a HUGE fan of River Phoenix I can't help but drop him into this post! When he was younger him and his family joined a group called The Children of God who were supposed to be good people teaching the word of God and getting people to join the religion. However it turned out the leader of the group was getting the women to have sex with people in order to secure more followers. It was also said that children were abused too. More can be found about the Children of God cult on the internet, here's a site I found with some information.
Well I suppose you can be TOO anything really can't you. I'm not particularly religious myself, I try to just do what I believe is the right thing or if that fails then do whetever the hell I want and then cry about the consequences later. I think if a person chooses to believe in God then good on them but I think when the religion they pick starts teaching to hate others or something then its wrong. I remember a few years back someone I knew had gone through a tough time in their life and had already experienced quite a horrible childhood and then got into bad things later in life and one day he met two people who told him they were christians. He had already known them from work before I think but they become close friends. These two people regularly visited a church run by a certain someone I can't remember his man but he claimed to be a man of God. My friend went along to a meeting and they all seemed really nice discussing god and the life of Jesus etc etc and my friend seemed to be happy. I was happy because he seemed to be on the right track for once. However it soon got out of control and in the meetings they were taught that homosexual people were evil and that the devil controlled them. They were told that sex before marriage is evil, as is living with someone before you are married. They were also told to give so much of their wages a month to help this community of preachers spread the word of Jesus but it soon became clear that a lot of brain washing was going on. My friend changed as a person and became obsessive and even burned his collection of CD's because he was told that anything other than gospel music was evil and apart of the devils plan. What I noticed about a lot of the people who were following this "religion" was that they had all hada tough life of some sort and conveniently found the church at th lowest point of their life and now thank the church for restoring thier faith and making them born again christians. They clearly took weak people and brain washed them into thinking they were controlled by th devil before hand and making them believe these obsurd things. I don't think this is right at all. To teach people to hate homosexuals or people who have had sex before marriage is wrong. I think when religion gets the this point then its not religion its just bullshit. I don't think there is anything wrong with believing in God and attending church as long as they're teaching to be better people and not obsurd brainwashing poppycock!
Also, being a HUGE fan of River Phoenix I can't help but drop him into this post! When he was younger him and his family joined a group called The Children of God who were supposed to be good people teaching the word of God and getting people to join the religion. However it turned out the leader of the group was getting the women to have sex with people in order to secure more followers. It was also said that children were abused too. More can be found about the Children of God cult on the internet, here's a site I found with some information.
So basically I think the whole cult religion thing is ridiculous. You should just live as good people, don't hurt others or break the law and you can't go wrong. I don't think its right to prey on innocent people who clearly have problems in their lives and tell them what is right and wrong and how to live their life. A person's life is their own. Also, I don't find anythign wrong with people who live to serve their God or whatever, if it makes you happy then so be it but don't force it onto others. You shoul respect people's opinions and life style and not go around preaching what you think is right or wrong. I don't like being approaced in town hounded with leaflets and being made into giving money to what they say is helping towards spreading the word. If I one day decide to be all religious then I'll bloody well go to a church for information I won't go walking around town waiting for a random to give me thousand leaflets on Jesus so don't give them to me!

I bet if Jesus were here now he'd just want us all to chill the hell out and enjoy life being good people. Sod all this cult nonsene and hating other people for petty things and just have fun
peace xxxx
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Body modification
Hi folks, today I will be giving my two cents on the whole body modificationness. I was sitting thinking about all the different types of body modification there are and I can think of only these that apply to me: pierced ears, dyed hair/hair extensions etc,wearing heels and make up. I think thats all of them anyway. To be honest I don't really have a lot to say on the whole matter...for once in my life I don't have pages of opinions to write! haha. I just believe that a persons body is their own so if they choose to get a tattoo or piercing etc then its their business. However, I do think that there should be age restrictions. I don't think people under 18 should get tattoos because if I had looked old enough to get a tattoo when I was 16 I would probably have my first bfs name tattooed on me or something like that as I was very naive and thought we would last forever *rolls eyes*
Also, I think extreme body modification is a bit weird like corsets that make you have a 15 inch waist or something. It just look weird because the rest of the body is normal size, why would you want that! But again its a persons own choice. Just out of interest here is a website about the woman who has the smallest waist in the world thanks to a corset
Some things are just really freaky aren't they? Like this guy who has made himself look like a lizard through body modification. I can't look at those pictures without feeling sick I just don't know how he could want to look like a lizard hahaha. I don't think its wrong though, as long as it makes him happy then so be it.
Also, I think extreme body modification is a bit weird like corsets that make you have a 15 inch waist or something. It just look weird because the rest of the body is normal size, why would you want that! But again its a persons own choice. Just out of interest here is a website about the woman who has the smallest waist in the world thanks to a corset
Some things are just really freaky aren't they? Like this guy who has made himself look like a lizard through body modification. I can't look at those pictures without feeling sick I just don't know how he could want to look like a lizard hahaha. I don't think its wrong though, as long as it makes him happy then so be it.
I think that as long as you're over 18 and you have thought carefully about what you want and its not life threatening then do what makes you happy.

Friday, 27 April 2007
To cheat or not to cheat
Hello all. I've been away for some weeks....I won't go into detail but I'm back now and ready to continue doing these blog things to hopefully get the best grade possible!
Now where had I got up to....oh yes...infidelity.
I think I'll just dive right in there because to be honest I'm sitting in a freezing cold room, in the dark and with no glasses on so I'm going to be as quick and blunt as possible to get this blog over with.
Infidelity -
1. marital disloyalty; adultery.
2.unfaithfulness; disloyalty.
Incase you're wondering where I found that definition (but mostly because I need some links in here) Go to this website dictionary
So there we have it, infidelity - cheatin on yer boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife...or whatever floats your boat.
Now, I don't think cheating is really a nice thing to do to your partner but lets be honest here sometimes it just...well...happens. I for one can hold my hand up and say yes I have cheated on my boyfriend (whom of which will remain nameless for safety reasons but I'd like to stress that we are no longer together..for obvious reasons)
I was fortunate enough not to get caught and no I am not stupid enough to admit I cheated on him because thats silly ladies and gentlemen :) I don't think that what I did was a good thing to do from his point of view but well considering we broke up anyway because we just weren't right I can look back and say well that was a great shag Im glad I didnt waste that oppourtunity being faithful to my boyfriend. Now reading that back makes me sound like a horrible person..hmm but come on though sometimes when you're drunk you just can't help things can you? So what exactly IS cheating? What qualifies as cheating? To my boyfriend EVERYTHING was cheating. From a smile across the room to kissing my female friend so obviously he wouldn't let pass the fact I shagged his mate in a car park now would he. I think its wrong to cheat but at the time I was getting such a high off it. It became so addictive sneaking about with text messages and the thrill of having sex knowing it was wrong and I could get caught but it just made it more fun! I think the reason I carried on doing it so much was because me and my boyfriend were having really bad patches and I had tried to break it off but it just wasnt going well so the cheating gave me a new thing to look forward to. I admit yes it was a bitchy horrible mean thing to do to him but I never got caught and yeah it was fun. However, if i found out my boyfriend had been seeing someone behind my back I'd be hurt, very very hurt so I guess that makes me an evil cow. I put it down to age though and your situation in life. I'm 19 and got into my first serious relationship at 16 which lasted nearly 2 years then straight into another one for nearly 2 years again so I was craving fun and single life. My boyfriend wouldn't accept that we were heading for a break up so we were doing everything we coudl to save the relationship btu it was clear to me it would never work so I just well went for it. I shagged his mate who can i just add was very good :P and I had a blast. Finally we broke up and I dont regret a thing purely because I was being young and stupid at the time and why not. I think a situation like that is different to me being with someone I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and then carrying on behind his back. I don't think cheating in marriage is right either, because you were daft enough to make those vows so bloody well stick to them. Oh gosh you know what I don't even know what I believe actually! hahah for me cheating was a thrill, a rush, an adventure and most certainly a fun experience but only because I didn't get caught and because I knew I wasn't going to be with him much longer so was enjoying the moment with someone else. I think a lot of serious relationships at young ages are harder to maintain because of the culture and temptation. You think you knwo what you want but you're mind is changing and you're growing up and changing into new people so you want different things. For me I wanted a new life and new people and he just wasnt the one for me so I think of it as part of growing up.
Apparently we might not be to blame for out actions and it could be our genes according to the guardian
I'm getting tired of this subject now, its that time of the month so I hate all men and everything else in the world so I might post another blog in a few days with something more interesting t say about infidelity but for now I'll leave you with what I've said and a nice picture too
peace xxx
Now where had I got up to....oh yes...infidelity.
I think I'll just dive right in there because to be honest I'm sitting in a freezing cold room, in the dark and with no glasses on so I'm going to be as quick and blunt as possible to get this blog over with.
Infidelity -
1. marital disloyalty; adultery.
2.unfaithfulness; disloyalty.
Incase you're wondering where I found that definition (but mostly because I need some links in here) Go to this website dictionary
So there we have it, infidelity - cheatin on yer boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife...or whatever floats your boat.
Now, I don't think cheating is really a nice thing to do to your partner but lets be honest here sometimes it just...well...happens. I for one can hold my hand up and say yes I have cheated on my boyfriend (whom of which will remain nameless for safety reasons but I'd like to stress that we are no longer together..for obvious reasons)
I was fortunate enough not to get caught and no I am not stupid enough to admit I cheated on him because thats silly ladies and gentlemen :) I don't think that what I did was a good thing to do from his point of view but well considering we broke up anyway because we just weren't right I can look back and say well that was a great shag Im glad I didnt waste that oppourtunity being faithful to my boyfriend. Now reading that back makes me sound like a horrible person..hmm but come on though sometimes when you're drunk you just can't help things can you? So what exactly IS cheating? What qualifies as cheating? To my boyfriend EVERYTHING was cheating. From a smile across the room to kissing my female friend so obviously he wouldn't let pass the fact I shagged his mate in a car park now would he. I think its wrong to cheat but at the time I was getting such a high off it. It became so addictive sneaking about with text messages and the thrill of having sex knowing it was wrong and I could get caught but it just made it more fun! I think the reason I carried on doing it so much was because me and my boyfriend were having really bad patches and I had tried to break it off but it just wasnt going well so the cheating gave me a new thing to look forward to. I admit yes it was a bitchy horrible mean thing to do to him but I never got caught and yeah it was fun. However, if i found out my boyfriend had been seeing someone behind my back I'd be hurt, very very hurt so I guess that makes me an evil cow. I put it down to age though and your situation in life. I'm 19 and got into my first serious relationship at 16 which lasted nearly 2 years then straight into another one for nearly 2 years again so I was craving fun and single life. My boyfriend wouldn't accept that we were heading for a break up so we were doing everything we coudl to save the relationship btu it was clear to me it would never work so I just well went for it. I shagged his mate who can i just add was very good :P and I had a blast. Finally we broke up and I dont regret a thing purely because I was being young and stupid at the time and why not. I think a situation like that is different to me being with someone I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and then carrying on behind his back. I don't think cheating in marriage is right either, because you were daft enough to make those vows so bloody well stick to them. Oh gosh you know what I don't even know what I believe actually! hahah for me cheating was a thrill, a rush, an adventure and most certainly a fun experience but only because I didn't get caught and because I knew I wasn't going to be with him much longer so was enjoying the moment with someone else. I think a lot of serious relationships at young ages are harder to maintain because of the culture and temptation. You think you knwo what you want but you're mind is changing and you're growing up and changing into new people so you want different things. For me I wanted a new life and new people and he just wasnt the one for me so I think of it as part of growing up.
Apparently we might not be to blame for out actions and it could be our genes according to the guardian
I'm getting tired of this subject now, its that time of the month so I hate all men and everything else in the world so I might post another blog in a few days with something more interesting t say about infidelity but for now I'll leave you with what I've said and a nice picture too
peace xxx

Thursday, 1 March 2007
blog comment: masturbation
I think Kathryn Melluish's blog on masturbation sums up how I feel about it too. I have no problem with masturbation or talking about it with my boyfriend or friends but I couldn't with family. Like most things I prefer not to talk about with my family such as sex because its just something you don't want them to know about! heheh. I agree with what she said "We should start to talk about things more in the open" because it's not something to be ashamed of, its natural and all apart of human life but I do understand that some people just prefer to keep things to themselves and not discuss private matters. I could talk openly and freely about anything with friends, boyfriends or even strangers but when it comes to family thats just a big no no for me!
"But then it does ask the question, why can't we talk about it without laughing?" Thats a really good question, I did find myself laughing just that little bit more in the lecture at the jokes and at the discussion of mastubation. I have no idea why, as I'm not bothered about the discussion of masturbation. For a lot of people its a really personal thing and some perfer not to talk about it openly and even if you don't mind talking about it you're not quite sure what to say incase of offending someone or appearing weird, so maybe thats why people react by laughing. Who knows.
"But then it does ask the question, why can't we talk about it without laughing?" Thats a really good question, I did find myself laughing just that little bit more in the lecture at the jokes and at the discussion of mastubation. I have no idea why, as I'm not bothered about the discussion of masturbation. For a lot of people its a really personal thing and some perfer not to talk about it openly and even if you don't mind talking about it you're not quite sure what to say incase of offending someone or appearing weird, so maybe thats why people react by laughing. Who knows.
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
nice guys finish last
I'm slowly running out of topics to discuss that have featured in the lectures so I've decided to start some posts on general badness. I thought it would be interesting, and a good way for me to avoid doing the revision I should be doing right now, by discussing "why some women find bad boys sexy"
If you ask a woman what sort of man she looks for most will say "kind caring considerate friendly...etc etc" But what is it about bad boys that turn us women on? I personally have become a victim of the bad boy syndrome at many points of my life and probably will for a long time to come. There's just something inside me that craves danger and well badness! I just think a guy who has a bit of a bad side to him, not like a complete arsehole but likes a bit of danger is just way more appealing to some guy who is constantly well behaved and nice all the time. Don't get me wrong I want a guy to treat me well but I'm not a fan of the whole serious comfortable relationship so to speak. Maybe I'm just young and naive, or maybe I'm just a bad girl but I think a lot of people have a bad side to them and sometimes want to give in to the devil on their shoulder and be a bit naughty, I know I do! I just don't know what it is but a guy with a dark side, spontanious, energetic and you can't quite work him out just attracts me like like crazy! Even though I know deep down he can't be good news, probably won't stay faithful and has been in trouble with the police many many times it still doesnt stop me falling head over heels like a love sick idiot and craving him more and more. I don't know why but if I'm in a relationship with a guy who is in love and comfortable and all mopey over us then I just panic and run for the hills! After a certain amount of time in a steady loving relationship I find myself going insane and craving something bad. Like sex for example...its great, I love it, but when people call it "making love" I just think eeurgh no. I don't want sex to be making love I want it to be naughty and dirty and rough. Sorry for the detail here but as I said I'm trying to avoid revision...:P
Am I the only girl who likes it this way? I am I the only one who after 12 months or so in a relatinship just gets terrified of comfort and craves lust rather than love? It's not that I want it that way all the time, when I'm in a relationship I'm happy as larry for a good while and enjoying the whole loved upness and all that but then after that I run at any mention of committment. How can you resist the idea of some sexy bad boy though? In the lectures about smoking it was mentioned how it was made to be seen as sexy by movie stars which reminds me of the whole bad boy thing. On my wall I have a poster of johnny depp looking like the sexy de
vil that he is and holding a cigarette. I don't think smoking is sexy at all when I think about it, but seeing a hot guy smoking a cigarette just turns me on that little bit more. Take Danny from Greese as an example, Sandy knows he's bad but shes just craving him isn't she! Then she gives into her devil and goes all sexy in black smoking and dancing. I totally understand where the girls coming from when she sings something like "my heart is saying fool forget him, my heart is saying dont let go..." We all know a bad boy when we see him and know hes trouble but why are we attracted to them so damn much? Its got to be human nature to crave naughtyness every once in a while. In the long run a nice guy is ideal but from my own experience I find myself needing that danger and excitment of something new. I don't think cheating is right or acceptable but from my own experience and what ive seen with other girls is that the idea of doing something bad that you know will potentionally get you into a lot of trouble gives me such a rush! I found an article on why women crave this bad behaviour and a lot of the time its to feel sexy and incontrol. Knowing you've got this sexy bad boy at your side makes a woman feel powerful. Click here to read
Am I the only girl who likes it this way? I am I the only one who after 12 months or so in a relatinship just gets terrified of comfort and craves lust rather than love? It's not that I want it that way all the time, when I'm in a relationship I'm happy as larry for a good while and enjoying the whole loved upness and all that but then after that I run at any mention of committment. How can you resist the idea of some sexy bad boy though? In the lectures about smoking it was mentioned how it was made to be seen as sexy by movie stars which reminds me of the whole bad boy thing. On my wall I have a poster of johnny depp looking like the sexy de

Another good example is pirates of the caribean. Everyone thought that Orlando would be the woman magnet because of his nice guy mr perfect sweetheart role but johnny depp as jack sparrow oh my gosh! His whole attitude is just so sexy and makes me go weak at the knees. I love a bad guy, one who always has a few tricks up his sleeve and leaves me craving more and more! *growl*
Try this quiz to find out what guy you're attracted to and see if you have a case of bad boy syndrome!
Peace out xxxx
Monday, 26 February 2007
Getting to know yourself......

So let's get down to business n all that jazz. Well, to me masturbation is a persons own thing, who are we to tell someone not to masturbate? That's insane. What a person does with his or her private parts is well...private! I found the information about society's views on masturbation and how it's changed very interesting. I mean, to wear an entire body suit to prevent a person from masturbating at night is just ridiculous! Some physicians, scientists, philosophers, and religious leaders believed that illnesses such as insanity, vision and hearing problems, epilepsy and mental retardation were caused by masturbation and something like over 60% of medical and mental illnesses were blamed on masturbation! It's amazing how society has changed dramatically and now masturbation is talked abour freely an jokingly throughout society. During the lecture when we were told about how the fear of masturbation was so big that extreme preventative measures were used including the use of mechanical restraints and genital surgery!!!
Here is a useful website that I found some of my information such as the ways they used to prevent masturbation:
1. Simple Bondage-- For some, the simple answer was to tie the masturbators up and prevent them from touching themselves
2. The Cage-- The Handbook of Medicine in 1885 offered a metal cage that could be put around a boys genitals. It would allow erections, which weren't seen as wrong, yet would prevent the boy from touching himself.

To me that is just insane to think you are a prisoner in your own body wearing a full body armour. It's a humans own right to be able to pleasure themselves and I see nothing wrong with it. Fair enough if people start doing it in public or something then yes that's wrong but in the privacy of your own home then go ahead I say!
Me personally I don't do it at all really, I have done in the past to you do hehe, but I'm not a regular for "flickin' the bean" as they say. Speaking of which, I found a site for Masturbation slang words which is quite funny :P some of them were mentioned in the lecture already and some of them are just plain odd!
I think a person should be free to explore themselves in whatever way they feel comfortable. I think its a good thing for a man or woman to know their own body and if someone enjoys masturbating then they shouldnt' be embarassed about it or think its wrong to do so. I think the only time masturbation can become a bad thing is if like I said it is done in public or in an appropriate place where someone might see. To me its a very personal thing and should be done in a persons own private time. Last week it was mentioned whether it is ok to masturbate while in a relationship. I think it is ok and isnt wrong at all because its purely a persons own choice and doesn't affect anyone else.Masturbation isnt something you should be ashamed of in my opinion, its just a matter of whatever floats your boat! I suggest a look in Ann Summers, they have a lot of variety I've heard :P
Peace xxx
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Blog comment

"Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then to not supply it?It’s most likely not prostitution, but fraud. A fraud committed thanks to men’s ignorance and great lust. Certain woman use that as a tool and make quite a good profit out of it."
This quote was taken from Evil Entries by Alex. I liked the line "men’s ignorance and great lust" It makes me what to say good for her that she took the money and didn't supply the sex. I mean it's cheeky of the guy to presume that is what she's about in the first place! I can't remember much of the video but in general if a guy presumes a woman will sleep with him for sex then he deserves to get his money taken from him and no sex. A woman isn't an object so good for her I say she takes the money and buys shoes. If the woman was acting all flirty then some might argue she was leading him on, but unless she said "I will have sex with you if you give me money" then he shouldnt presume anything from her. Maybe its a way to teac him a lesson for being too forward and thinking with his dick instead of his brain. Hmmm it makes you wonder doesnt it, but then again it all depends on the circumstances I guess. But myopinion is that if a man is ignorant enough to give money to a woman without the mention of sex and he just expects it then its tough if she keeps the money and if she does keep the money and not supply sex then I think the only right thing to do is spend it on shoes and handbags....and perhaps a night out with friends. Depending on how much money of course :)
This quote was taken from Evil Entries by Alex. I liked the line "men’s ignorance and great lust" It makes me what to say good for her that she took the money and didn't supply the sex. I mean it's cheeky of the guy to presume that is what she's about in the first place! I can't remember much of the video but in general if a guy presumes a woman will sleep with him for sex then he deserves to get his money taken from him and no sex. A woman isn't an object so good for her I say she takes the money and buys shoes. If the woman was acting all flirty then some might argue she was leading him on, but unless she said "I will have sex with you if you give me money" then he shouldnt presume anything from her. Maybe its a way to teac him a lesson for being too forward and thinking with his dick instead of his brain. Hmmm it makes you wonder doesnt it, but then again it all depends on the circumstances I guess. But myopinion is that if a man is ignorant enough to give money to a woman without the mention of sex and he just expects it then its tough if she keeps the money and if she does keep the money and not supply sex then I think the only right thing to do is spend it on shoes and handbags....and perhaps a night out with friends. Depending on how much money of course :)
Sunday, 18 February 2007

When Johnny Depp divorces his wife, abandons his children and moves into the house next door to me then will it be stalking for me to drill a hole through my wall into his and take photographs of him and turn up on his doorstep wanting to borrow a cup of sugar every half an hour? Frankly, I think no it's not. Because you see he WILL eventually leave his wife and children and move in next door and we will marry and live happily ever after :) That's not obsessive is it? Surely not. However, some things ARE considered stalking and I am here to discuss them.
Last week we watched a clip taken from the peep show about a guy ( i dont know his name as that was the first time id seen the peep show) anyway, the guy fancied one of his co workers I think she was and hacked into her email account and read her emails to find out more about her and to see if she liked him or not. He read one of her emails she had sent to a friend in which she talked about him and another guy. We were then given two questions to discuss:
1) When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking?
2) Are some kind of observance allowable and appropriate? Which ones aren't?
I wouldn't say that what the guy did in the peep show was stalking as such but I don't think it was right either. It's not acceptable to access something that is private to another person unless you have permission. He had no right going into her email account and reading her private emails but at the same time I don't think it constitutes as stalking because as far as I saw it was only once he did it. If he were to frequently access her account and read emails and follow her around watching her activities on a daily basis then yes that is stalking. Then again, now that he has access to her accounts its very probable that he would want to read her emails frequently...which is stalking. I think for someone to be classified as stalking another person they would have an unhealthy interest in another person to the point they frequently follow that person around or secretly spy on that person. The guy in the peep show wasn't harming the woman or putting her in any danger or causing her fear or emotional pain. He obviously really likes the woman and only accessed her account to find out what she thought of him. I think that a lot of people would take the chance of accessing someone elses email account if it meant finding out if they like them back, its human nature and I dont think he was doing it in a stalking way or to cause harm to her.
"Fundamentally, stalking is a series of actions that puts a person in fear for their safety. The stalker may follow you, harass you, call you on the telephone, watch your house, send you mail you don't want, or act in some other way that frightens you"
This quote was taken from"" and is one of the definitions given for stalking. The website refers to stalking as causing harm or fear to a person so what the man did in the peep show wouldn't be classed as stalking by law unless he continued hacking her account and caused her fear or harm.
The second question asks if any observancies are allowable or acceptable and what aren't. I don't think that it is accepable to enter something private of someones such as an email account or a mobile phone or documents etc because thet belong only to the owner and shouldn't be accessed without permission. I think that a person who has an interest in another person is ok as long at it doesnt violate anyone's privacey and doesn't cause harm to another person.
I found that when researching stalking on the internet it is mostly defined as causing harm to others and making life difficult for that person. However, if a person is to stalk another person but the other person doesnt know then no harm is being caused but they are still stalking....which is kind of what the guy was doing in the peep show. The woman didn't know she was being watched by him but he was accessing things that were provate to her. I think this is very wrong and COULD be seen as stalking depending on how often he does it but in the eyes of the law wouldn't be seen as stalking I don't think.
There are many cases known of stalkers who become violent and send death threats to the person they are stalking and are sent to prison, such as the case of the man who was sent to prison for stalking ABBA's Agnetha Faltskog
However, I don't think that I will be classed as a stalker when Johnny does eventually have the sense to leave his wife and children and live next door. Anyone in their right mind would do it.
Now to end with a fun Quiz
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Lady of the night
In response to the clips we watched on Thursdays lecture I will now be addressing the issues of prostituion.
We saw a clip from Breakfast at Tiffany's where the woman, played by Audrey Hepburn took $50 from a man and didn't supply him with the "sexual favours". Then we were asked to answer two questions:
1) Is it prostitution to take money from someone expecting sex but not to supply it?
2) If it isn't prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable?
3)If it is then how much is a reasonable charge?
First of all I don't think it's prostitution for a woman to take money from a man who is expecting sex and then not to supply it. I think thats just being devious and deceitful if the woman knows full well wt the man wants and she takes his money knowing she has no intention of giving it. I don't think then it is prostitution at all, shes just fooling the guy to get money. If she doesnt give him sex or anything like that then I don't believe it is prostitution. However, I don't believe that doing that is right because its the same as stealing. If you gave money to an assistant in a shop and they didnt hand over your goods then you wouldn't be very happy, such as a man if he pays a woman for sex and doesn't get it. The woman shouldn't take the money if she knows what the man was implying. When watching the movie clip I didn't look at audrey's character and think she was a prostitute at all, the word prostitute to me brings up images of a woman standing on a street corner dressed provocatively and waiting for a car to pull up. I don't think her character had sex in mind but just wanted the money and that was a guarenteed way of getting it by using her looks etc.
I don't really know what my opinion of prostitution is if I'm honest. I don't think its a decent way of earning a living, or safe, or respectable but I can sympathise with some women who feel it is the only way. Some women see it as a quick and easy way of earning money if they can't get a job elsewhere. Some use their looks as a way to get attention and to feel attractive if they have self issues etc. I don't think itsthe right thing to do at all as it isnt respecting your self and you're body and also is very dangerous health wise. Child prostitution is something on the rise and becoming a problem is the UK. I think it's really sad that people get into prostitution, especially at such a young age because they should be taught that using your body like that isnt the right thing to do. I feel bad for women who get into it as a way to make money to support their family or earn a living. Which now brings me to the last question "how much is a reasonable charge?" I have to ask, who the hell thought up that question?! Hmmmm...erm....well I don't there is a "reasonable" charge realy because its putting a value on your dignity and self worth. I mean really how can there be a reasonable charge? It all depends on the individual and how much they need the money I guess. Me, I guess £30 for sex :p hahaha! JOKE! God maybe I shouldn't joke about that....well yeah I really can't think of a reasonable charge for prostitution I guess it depends what country, city, the woman, whether shes on drugs and just needs a fix or if shes a high class escort etc etc. I'd rather just get a job at Asda...
I think I've said enough on this topic now......

We saw a clip from Breakfast at Tiffany's where the woman, played by Audrey Hepburn took $50 from a man and didn't supply him with the "sexual favours". Then we were asked to answer two questions:
1) Is it prostitution to take money from someone expecting sex but not to supply it?
2) If it isn't prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable?
3)If it is then how much is a reasonable charge?
First of all I don't think it's prostitution for a woman to take money from a man who is expecting sex and then not to supply it. I think thats just being devious and deceitful if the woman knows full well wt the man wants and she takes his money knowing she has no intention of giving it. I don't think then it is prostitution at all, shes just fooling the guy to get money. If she doesnt give him sex or anything like that then I don't believe it is prostitution. However, I don't believe that doing that is right because its the same as stealing. If you gave money to an assistant in a shop and they didnt hand over your goods then you wouldn't be very happy, such as a man if he pays a woman for sex and doesn't get it. The woman shouldn't take the money if she knows what the man was implying. When watching the movie clip I didn't look at audrey's character and think she was a prostitute at all, the word prostitute to me brings up images of a woman standing on a street corner dressed provocatively and waiting for a car to pull up. I don't think her character had sex in mind but just wanted the money and that was a guarenteed way of getting it by using her looks etc.
I don't really know what my opinion of prostitution is if I'm honest. I don't think its a decent way of earning a living, or safe, or respectable but I can sympathise with some women who feel it is the only way. Some women see it as a quick and easy way of earning money if they can't get a job elsewhere. Some use their looks as a way to get attention and to feel attractive if they have self issues etc. I don't think itsthe right thing to do at all as it isnt respecting your self and you're body and also is very dangerous health wise. Child prostitution is something on the rise and becoming a problem is the UK. I think it's really sad that people get into prostitution, especially at such a young age because they should be taught that using your body like that isnt the right thing to do. I feel bad for women who get into it as a way to make money to support their family or earn a living. Which now brings me to the last question "how much is a reasonable charge?" I have to ask, who the hell thought up that question?! Hmmmm...erm....well I don't there is a "reasonable" charge realy because its putting a value on your dignity and self worth. I mean really how can there be a reasonable charge? It all depends on the individual and how much they need the money I guess. Me, I guess £30 for sex :p hahaha! JOKE! God maybe I shouldn't joke about that....well yeah I really can't think of a reasonable charge for prostitution I guess it depends what country, city, the woman, whether shes on drugs and just needs a fix or if shes a high class escort etc etc. I'd rather just get a job at Asda...
I think I've said enough on this topic now......

Friday, 16 February 2007
Five finger discount
In the lecture last night we watched a clip of a Family Guy episode were Lois sharts shoplifting then asked two questions:
1) Is shoplifting any different to any other kind of theft?
2)Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead?
In this case Lois couldn't afford the ham so put it in her handbag instead but this later escalated to her shoplifting all sorts of things, and as brian pointed out, she was stealing car parts in a shop that she clearly didn't need. I find it hard to comment on this in a serious way when referring to Family Guy because it doesn't seem wrong at all that Lois is stealing from shops but more comical but I was trying to put myself in her position. I love shopping, maybe a little bit too much and I have an obsession with clothes, shoes and such things. If I haven't been shopping at least twice a week I would probably go a little insane. However, I have never once in my life shoplifted anything, it just never appealed. If I was to go into a shop and see a skirt I like and it was a bit expensive I'd have to ponder over it but never would I consider stealing it because then it just wouldn't feel right. I wouldn't feel excited about having the skirt because I hadn't paid for it and achieved it myself so I do think that shoplifting is wrong but when thinking about the harm it causes it doesnt seem TOO bad. I mean the shops are ripping us off anyway, big department stores that is and if someone is to steal one item such as a top or skirt then it's not like they'll lose anything. But still, I wouldn't have the guts to do it. I think that stealing from a shop such as asda or stealing from a small shop owned by little old mrs brown in the village is different because little old mrs brown would lose profit whereas asda probably wouldn't notice if you took a few sweets out of the pick and mix. Speaking of which when I said I hadn't shoplifted I meant big items but I did used to eat the pick and mix in asda while walking around with my parents. But who doesnt! I don't class that as stealing...its try before you buy :) But seriously, that sort of thing to me isn't stealing because I hardly thnk someone will miss a few smarties or whatever.
Shoplifting in my opinion isn't as bad as stealing from a person, such as taking somones purse because that person can't get it back and has lost it. I think it is really wrong to steal from someone in that way because it affects them so much whereas a shop won't cry over a missing top. I still think it's wrong and shouldn't happen though because we are really fortunate to be living in a country with food and water and health care so to shop lift for no reason seems just greedy. If a homeless person stole food from a shop then I couldnt understand and that isn't really that bad. I personally prefer to pay for everything I have because it gives me that sense of achievement like I've earned what I have. If a person shoplifted all the time every day then I'd be a bit worried because it would probably be an obsession and thats when the person is doing it for psychological reasons rather than for own benefit maybe. Here I found a website who help people with shoplifting addictions NASP and it explains that "about 550,000 incidents per day resulting in more than $10 billion worth of goods being stolen from retailers each year. That is more than $25 million in losses per day. Current estimates are as high as 1 in 11 Americans who shoplift in our nation today." Which makes you think just how bad shoplifting is. When you think of just one person stealing something from a shop it doesnt seem that bad but combined with everyone who is shoplifting everyday adds up to ALOT of stolen things. An exapmple fo someone who shoplifted when they would definitely afford it is Winona Ryder when she stole items from a store in the US. This was probably either for the thrill of it to see if sh could get away with it or could be something more psychological. I think some people who develop an addiction to shoplifting are doing it for many easons such as:
1) To get attention
2) For the thrill of danger
3) To fill aspect of their lives they can't fill with anything else, such as depression
4) Psychological problems that lead to the person feeling they need to control their lives and by shoplifting they feel incontrol
There are many reasons but at first it doesn't grasp you as being THAT BAD but when you start to read figures and facts on how common shoplifting is then thats only when it seems bad in my opnion.
I still wouldn'd shoplift whether I was guarenteed to not get count or whatever, I just don't see the point but even if I couldn't afford anything then I stll don't think it would change, I would just go without because an item of clothing or something to me isn't that important that I would shoplift to get it.
1) Is shoplifting any different to any other kind of theft?
2)Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead?
In this case Lois couldn't afford the ham so put it in her handbag instead but this later escalated to her shoplifting all sorts of things, and as brian pointed out, she was stealing car parts in a shop that she clearly didn't need. I find it hard to comment on this in a serious way when referring to Family Guy because it doesn't seem wrong at all that Lois is stealing from shops but more comical but I was trying to put myself in her position. I love shopping, maybe a little bit too much and I have an obsession with clothes, shoes and such things. If I haven't been shopping at least twice a week I would probably go a little insane. However, I have never once in my life shoplifted anything, it just never appealed. If I was to go into a shop and see a skirt I like and it was a bit expensive I'd have to ponder over it but never would I consider stealing it because then it just wouldn't feel right. I wouldn't feel excited about having the skirt because I hadn't paid for it and achieved it myself so I do think that shoplifting is wrong but when thinking about the harm it causes it doesnt seem TOO bad. I mean the shops are ripping us off anyway, big department stores that is and if someone is to steal one item such as a top or skirt then it's not like they'll lose anything. But still, I wouldn't have the guts to do it. I think that stealing from a shop such as asda or stealing from a small shop owned by little old mrs brown in the village is different because little old mrs brown would lose profit whereas asda probably wouldn't notice if you took a few sweets out of the pick and mix. Speaking of which when I said I hadn't shoplifted I meant big items but I did used to eat the pick and mix in asda while walking around with my parents. But who doesnt! I don't class that as stealing...its try before you buy :) But seriously, that sort of thing to me isn't stealing because I hardly thnk someone will miss a few smarties or whatever.
Shoplifting in my opinion isn't as bad as stealing from a person, such as taking somones purse because that person can't get it back and has lost it. I think it is really wrong to steal from someone in that way because it affects them so much whereas a shop won't cry over a missing top. I still think it's wrong and shouldn't happen though because we are really fortunate to be living in a country with food and water and health care so to shop lift for no reason seems just greedy. If a homeless person stole food from a shop then I couldnt understand and that isn't really that bad. I personally prefer to pay for everything I have because it gives me that sense of achievement like I've earned what I have. If a person shoplifted all the time every day then I'd be a bit worried because it would probably be an obsession and thats when the person is doing it for psychological reasons rather than for own benefit maybe. Here I found a website who help people with shoplifting addictions NASP and it explains that "about 550,000 incidents per day resulting in more than $10 billion worth of goods being stolen from retailers each year. That is more than $25 million in losses per day. Current estimates are as high as 1 in 11 Americans who shoplift in our nation today." Which makes you think just how bad shoplifting is. When you think of just one person stealing something from a shop it doesnt seem that bad but combined with everyone who is shoplifting everyday adds up to ALOT of stolen things. An exapmple fo someone who shoplifted when they would definitely afford it is Winona Ryder when she stole items from a store in the US. This was probably either for the thrill of it to see if sh could get away with it or could be something more psychological. I think some people who develop an addiction to shoplifting are doing it for many easons such as:
1) To get attention
2) For the thrill of danger
3) To fill aspect of their lives they can't fill with anything else, such as depression
4) Psychological problems that lead to the person feeling they need to control their lives and by shoplifting they feel incontrol
There are many reasons but at first it doesn't grasp you as being THAT BAD but when you start to read figures and facts on how common shoplifting is then thats only when it seems bad in my opnion.
I still wouldn'd shoplift whether I was guarenteed to not get count or whatever, I just don't see the point but even if I couldn't afford anything then I stll don't think it would change, I would just go without because an item of clothing or something to me isn't that important that I would shoplift to get it.

Monday, 12 February 2007
As I've already given my two cents on smoking I thought I've cover the colourful topic of cannabis, or pot, dope, weed or whatever you want to call it. I however prefer the term "waste of time" but for arguments sake I shall refer to it as pot, plus its quicker to type.
Now I know a lot of you who read this will be booing at the screen calling me a boring fool because I'm not a fan of the stuff but I've been there, done it and got a whole tshirt factory. I first tried pot when I was 16 and loved it. I smoked it all the time and then got with my first boyfriend who smoke it 24/7 so then I did too and it became my whole life. I used pot as a way to escape from things I didnt know how to face, or want to (at the time I didnt realise thats what i was doing mind) I went from smoking the odd spliff here and there to smoking at least 3 spliffs a day and began using my trust fund to buy it every week when I ran out. My parents had no idea what I was doing and I wasnt supposed to touch the trust fund until I was 18. I couldnt possibly imagine going a day without pot, it was unthinkable, until one day when I had a bad reaction to it. I didnt think you could get bad reactions from pot but I did. I cant explain what it was like but it was like nothing ive ever imagined in my life and scared the hell out of me. I wasnt sick or anything but my whole mental state was altered, and lasted for days. That was the first one and I vowed that day never to do it again. Of course I did, and it took many bad reactions for me to go on a break from it which I did but soon started again until finally my mom found out about it. She found £40 worth in my draw, a homemade bong made from a robbinsons bottle, 4 packs of rizzla and a pipe and took everything away and got rid of it. It broke her heart and it was the first time I had ever seen my mom cry. That still didnt stop me however, I remember the first thing I said to my mom when she found out "yeah, so what? I like it" I was a cocky little shit and if I had been my mom I would have kicked me out but my mom isnt like that. She went mad at me, cried and it was just awful. My parents brought me up to know drugs were wrong and brought me up very well. It was just the matter of me being naive and being too influenced by my boyfriend at the time.My parents were so upset because it was their daughter, the good daughter who always did well at school and was always happy and upbeat and all of a sudden changed completely. I only felt bad because I knew I couldnt smoke it anymore. I was terrified of a life without pot and thought "god, what the hell will i fill my days with now?" What I didnt see was that it changed who I was. I was constantly moody, angry, argumentative and went from periods of depression to just plain being out my mind. I still argued that pot was the best thing ever. I used to say "its ok for people to get drunk but not to smoke pot?" Which is what I hear from a lot of people who smoke pot but more about that later. Anyway, eventually I stopped smoking it and saw a HUGE improvement in my life. I wasnt going to carry on education after I was 16 because I had plans to stay with my boyfriend and get a crappy job and live with him smoking pot and he insisted he wanted to grow it. If I had never stopped pot I wouldnt be at uni now and I truly believe I would be a waste of space. My boyfriend at the time continued smoking it and eventually chose a life of sitting on his arse, playing computer games, smoking pot and drinking whiskey till the morning, so I dumped him and got myself a life. Here I am nearly 20 years old, not touched pot since and never will, doing a degree and moe control of my life than I've ever been. My parents and I have a great relationship, my mom knows that I was naiv, stupid, young and influenced and knows it wasnt the real me who acted like that but the monster I became because of pot.
I hate cannabis. I am not biased, I have seen both sides and I do not think any good can come out of smoking pot regularly. I can understand people who want to try it once or have a toke at a party or whatever but I truly believe that people who smoke it often wont benefit from it. Its hard to see what it changes you into when you are so dead set on thinking it is right. I'm not the only one who has gone through the same, a lot of people I know have had the exact same thing happen and say it nearly destroyed them. Cannabis does affect you mentally, whether you think you're perfectly healthy or not. It annoys me when people say "why is it bad for me to smoke a spliff but people can get wasted off alcohol" Yes I believe alcohol can be just as damaging but when abused. You can have the odd glass of wine and be fine, just like one toke off a spliff wont turn you into a raving psycho (hopefully) but when you smoke cannabis everyday it will mess you up because people dont see cannabis as a drug because you are still relatively capable to do most things so people go on living permanately stoned. What they dont realise is the damage it is doing to your brain and your mind. FRANK is a website that gives lots of factual information about drugs, here are just a couple of risks involved in doing cannabis:
1) Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease and cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with tobacco. It can also make asthma worse.
2) Cannabis is risky for anyone with a heart problem as it increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.
3) There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
4) Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.
5) Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and can't seem to get motivated.
More information about cannabis can be found here BBC website and some questions about it here Questions
Now I know a lot of you who read this will be booing at the screen calling me a boring fool because I'm not a fan of the stuff but I've been there, done it and got a whole tshirt factory. I first tried pot when I was 16 and loved it. I smoked it all the time and then got with my first boyfriend who smoke it 24/7 so then I did too and it became my whole life. I used pot as a way to escape from things I didnt know how to face, or want to (at the time I didnt realise thats what i was doing mind) I went from smoking the odd spliff here and there to smoking at least 3 spliffs a day and began using my trust fund to buy it every week when I ran out. My parents had no idea what I was doing and I wasnt supposed to touch the trust fund until I was 18. I couldnt possibly imagine going a day without pot, it was unthinkable, until one day when I had a bad reaction to it. I didnt think you could get bad reactions from pot but I did. I cant explain what it was like but it was like nothing ive ever imagined in my life and scared the hell out of me. I wasnt sick or anything but my whole mental state was altered, and lasted for days. That was the first one and I vowed that day never to do it again. Of course I did, and it took many bad reactions for me to go on a break from it which I did but soon started again until finally my mom found out about it. She found £40 worth in my draw, a homemade bong made from a robbinsons bottle, 4 packs of rizzla and a pipe and took everything away and got rid of it. It broke her heart and it was the first time I had ever seen my mom cry. That still didnt stop me however, I remember the first thing I said to my mom when she found out "yeah, so what? I like it" I was a cocky little shit and if I had been my mom I would have kicked me out but my mom isnt like that. She went mad at me, cried and it was just awful. My parents brought me up to know drugs were wrong and brought me up very well. It was just the matter of me being naive and being too influenced by my boyfriend at the time.My parents were so upset because it was their daughter, the good daughter who always did well at school and was always happy and upbeat and all of a sudden changed completely. I only felt bad because I knew I couldnt smoke it anymore. I was terrified of a life without pot and thought "god, what the hell will i fill my days with now?" What I didnt see was that it changed who I was. I was constantly moody, angry, argumentative and went from periods of depression to just plain being out my mind. I still argued that pot was the best thing ever. I used to say "its ok for people to get drunk but not to smoke pot?" Which is what I hear from a lot of people who smoke pot but more about that later. Anyway, eventually I stopped smoking it and saw a HUGE improvement in my life. I wasnt going to carry on education after I was 16 because I had plans to stay with my boyfriend and get a crappy job and live with him smoking pot and he insisted he wanted to grow it. If I had never stopped pot I wouldnt be at uni now and I truly believe I would be a waste of space. My boyfriend at the time continued smoking it and eventually chose a life of sitting on his arse, playing computer games, smoking pot and drinking whiskey till the morning, so I dumped him and got myself a life. Here I am nearly 20 years old, not touched pot since and never will, doing a degree and moe control of my life than I've ever been. My parents and I have a great relationship, my mom knows that I was naiv, stupid, young and influenced and knows it wasnt the real me who acted like that but the monster I became because of pot.
I hate cannabis. I am not biased, I have seen both sides and I do not think any good can come out of smoking pot regularly. I can understand people who want to try it once or have a toke at a party or whatever but I truly believe that people who smoke it often wont benefit from it. Its hard to see what it changes you into when you are so dead set on thinking it is right. I'm not the only one who has gone through the same, a lot of people I know have had the exact same thing happen and say it nearly destroyed them. Cannabis does affect you mentally, whether you think you're perfectly healthy or not. It annoys me when people say "why is it bad for me to smoke a spliff but people can get wasted off alcohol" Yes I believe alcohol can be just as damaging but when abused. You can have the odd glass of wine and be fine, just like one toke off a spliff wont turn you into a raving psycho (hopefully) but when you smoke cannabis everyday it will mess you up because people dont see cannabis as a drug because you are still relatively capable to do most things so people go on living permanately stoned. What they dont realise is the damage it is doing to your brain and your mind. FRANK is a website that gives lots of factual information about drugs, here are just a couple of risks involved in doing cannabis:
1) Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease and cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with tobacco. It can also make asthma worse.
2) Cannabis is risky for anyone with a heart problem as it increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.
3) There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
4) Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.
5) Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and can't seem to get motivated.
More information about cannabis can be found here BBC website and some questions about it here Questions

As the only things I've seen from pot have been bad then is it any wonder I'm so opposed to it? I think that if something is illegal, then its for a reason and people should respect that.
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
As I explain in my last blog entry, I missed last weeks lecture and from my understanding it was indeed centred around smoking. So here I am giving my two cents of the matter of smoking. I am a non smoker myself and come from a family of smokers. Both my parents and brother smoke and have done all my life. My brother started smoking in his teens, he was a typical rebel hanging out with the wrong crowds and started secretly smoking. I have no doubt in the fact that he was only trying to appear "cool" to his friends but sadly it got him addicted and now he is a 27 year old successful business man who is no longer a teen hanging around on streets up to no good and definitly regrets starting. When I was younger my parents suspected he smoked and I remember when they found a cigarette in his coat pocket and went mad at him and he said "but you both smoke" and my mom said "yes and I know we're not big or clever because we're addicted and can't stop!" I always used to think my mom was being hypocritical in the matter because she couldnt possibly have a go at my brother when she was smoking 20 a day herself surely. However, now that I'm older I know that from what ive seen it is hard to give up. Lots of people say that children are more likely to smoke if they're parents do, which fair enough in many cases probably is true but I know that from being younger and seeing my parents smoke and say things to me like "dont you ever start smoking because its addictive and very dangerous" put the fear of God in me. I had the idea that if you smoked one you could drop down dead at that very moment. I never once idolised my parents smoking and wanted to do it myself because I knew that she wasnt proud of what she did so I saw it as something out of her control. Of course later on in life I dabbled in cigarettes but that was purely down the the people I was friends with and a matter of me wanting to be "cool" and daring. Right now I can see both sides to the arguement. I think its easy to get into smoking because of the social factor and the fact that smoking one cigarette wont kill you there and then so people dont think of it as a dangerous thing, until its too late of cause. Its when you think oh just smoking one here and there wont do any harm im not going to get cancer just smoking this one. But then one becomes two and then three and so on until they cant stop. 
So when talking about the smoking ban in public places I think will be beneficial but I do also sympathise with people who do smoke and have tried or are trying to quit and finding it hard.

One thing that does really bother me is parents who smoke around there children, as in the same room because that just isnt fair. A baby can't leave the room when a parent is smoking and neither can a young child when in the care of that adult. I dont think its fair to impose that on someone who doesnt smoke. Passive smoking does cause harm and most people wouldnt think it because they're not inhaling it directly. I found an article on passive smoking in the BBC website and its interesting to see what the risks are. 'BBC Passive smoking'

So when talking about the smoking ban in public places I think will be beneficial but I do also sympathise with people who do smoke and have tried or are trying to quit and finding it hard.
I think the smoking campaigns in the past have proven to be effective such as the advert showing the gooey fatty stuff being squeezed out of an artery which doesnt just tell you but shows you the damage done by smoking. I think people need to see the damage face on in order for it to hit home and make them think

The more disturbing the advert for smoking the bigger impact it will make and these adverts and posters need to be made world wide and shown everywhere for people to take notice. I person needs to make the decision themselves to stop smoking.
Friday, 9 February 2007
I did something bad...
As this module is called being bad I think I should confess that I have been bad and didn't attend this weeks lecture. You see folks I wanted to build a snowman in my garden....*hangs head in shame* and yes I am 20 years old this year not 7.....
In my defence I would like to say that I did feel ill in the afternoon while shopping furiously for clothes, shoes and the other necessities of life....but the illness was probably caused by shopping to be fair but there was a sale on! Anyway, by the time I trudged home on the bus I was soaking wet and tired from searching frantically for a job all day and had a killer headache and then well...kinda just got too comfy at home. THEN ladies and gentlemen, my cats, Dophie and Beau (mother and daughter) were playing in the snow so it was a decision between getting ANOTHER bus to town in the cold cruel world OR staying in my warm pjs and later building a snowman while my cats dance around in the snow. I must say I made one hell of a snowman indeed :) So here we have an example of "being bad" but I don't really think is was really THAT bad because I'm making up for it now by doing lots of relevant blogs with links! Like this one.....ta da!
The link I have given is an essay/article/discussion on why students do or don't attend lectures :) I don't think it mentions anything about snowmen though...hmmm.
So, isit bad to miss the odd lecture? Should students attend lectures even if it be a matter of life or death? Should students choose to build a snowman over attending a lecture? I would be interested to know other people's views on the matter. I personally think it is wrong to miss lectures frequently but it is up to the individual and its their loss if they fail. I would alo like to add that in my case I would expect everyone to build a snowman because lets face it we dont get snow often in wolverhampton do we!
Peace all, hope you're enjoying the snow xxxx

This is the snowman that I built. Just behind it you can see my cat Beau playing.
In my defence I would like to say that I did feel ill in the afternoon while shopping furiously for clothes, shoes and the other necessities of life....but the illness was probably caused by shopping to be fair but there was a sale on! Anyway, by the time I trudged home on the bus I was soaking wet and tired from searching frantically for a job all day and had a killer headache and then well...kinda just got too comfy at home. THEN ladies and gentlemen, my cats, Dophie and Beau (mother and daughter) were playing in the snow so it was a decision between getting ANOTHER bus to town in the cold cruel world OR staying in my warm pjs and later building a snowman while my cats dance around in the snow. I must say I made one hell of a snowman indeed :) So here we have an example of "being bad" but I don't really think is was really THAT bad because I'm making up for it now by doing lots of relevant blogs with links! Like this one.....ta da!
The link I have given is an essay/article/discussion on why students do or don't attend lectures :) I don't think it mentions anything about snowmen though...hmmm.
So, isit bad to miss the odd lecture? Should students attend lectures even if it be a matter of life or death? Should students choose to build a snowman over attending a lecture? I would be interested to know other people's views on the matter. I personally think it is wrong to miss lectures frequently but it is up to the individual and its their loss if they fail. I would alo like to add that in my case I would expect everyone to build a snowman because lets face it we dont get snow often in wolverhampton do we!
Peace all, hope you're enjoying the snow xxxx

This is the snowman that I built. Just behind it you can see my cat Beau playing.
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Field Trip
I've been thinking about the field trip idea and I must say I'm struggling to think up things to do. I'm not sure whether the trp has to be based about being bad either :S but here are some ideas if they are to be based around that....
1) A trip to a theatre somewhere that is showing a nonnaturalistic play with strange content, such as plays based on Artaud (he was an insane playwright who came up with the idea of the theatre of cruelty)
2) a trip to stone henge
3) A trip to a haunted location
4) A huge drunken party in the middle of a field....field trip....LOL
5) Alton towers
6) Ice skating...ok I know thats not bad but it is if you cant skate!
Well my mnid just went dead so I'll think of more things and report back
1) A trip to a theatre somewhere that is showing a nonnaturalistic play with strange content, such as plays based on Artaud (he was an insane playwright who came up with the idea of the theatre of cruelty)
2) a trip to stone henge
3) A trip to a haunted location
4) A huge drunken party in the middle of a field....field trip....LOL
5) Alton towers
6) Ice skating...ok I know thats not bad but it is if you cant skate!
Well my mnid just went dead so I'll think of more things and report back
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Being Bad - Take 1
I must say I jumped at the chance of taking this module, after all there's nothing I do better than being bad. Not intentionally mind, it just, well, sort of happens that way. But enough about me and more about this module...that is what these blogs are about right? To be honest I have no idea! I'll just see how it goes....
I found the task quite interesting last week and left me wondering how many of those "bad things" people had done were actually the truth. I mean really, shoving a dildo up a dogs bottom? I hardly doubt that was true....well at least I hope not! I don't believe any of the ones involving animals could be considered as harmless. I don't agree that using an animals in such a way purely for fun can be considered ok, it's just wrong. I think some things that were mentioned such as having sex with someone in a toilet when drunk isn't a bad thing to do as such...well as long as both people consent to it then its their business really. To some it might be considered disgusting or immoral or slaggish but it's all down to the individual and if you aren't hurting/endangering anyone else then it's not really bad is it. I personally think that everyone gets the urge to do something "bad" or naughty/daring etc, it's human nature to crave a bit of fun. There's a difference between being bad and being evil. One of the confessions last week mentioned a guy who lied that he had a brain tumour to get out of a relationship. Whether it was true or not I think this situation is more evil than anything. Lying about an illness like that and then making a huge joke out of it, compared to two people having sex in a publc toilet to me are no where near in the same leaugue. When the "bad" thing involves hurting others I think it is wrong, but doing a bad thing such as being a bit daring or adventurous is just harmless fun if not harming anyone else.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks when discussing things such as smoking and masturbation because it's one of those things that is just a persons own choice, but I guess I'lll get on to that tomorrow!
In the mean time here's a quiz to test if you're bad or not. Have fun.
peace xx
I found the task quite interesting last week and left me wondering how many of those "bad things" people had done were actually the truth. I mean really, shoving a dildo up a dogs bottom? I hardly doubt that was true....well at least I hope not! I don't believe any of the ones involving animals could be considered as harmless. I don't agree that using an animals in such a way purely for fun can be considered ok, it's just wrong. I think some things that were mentioned such as having sex with someone in a toilet when drunk isn't a bad thing to do as such...well as long as both people consent to it then its their business really. To some it might be considered disgusting or immoral or slaggish but it's all down to the individual and if you aren't hurting/endangering anyone else then it's not really bad is it. I personally think that everyone gets the urge to do something "bad" or naughty/daring etc, it's human nature to crave a bit of fun. There's a difference between being bad and being evil. One of the confessions last week mentioned a guy who lied that he had a brain tumour to get out of a relationship. Whether it was true or not I think this situation is more evil than anything. Lying about an illness like that and then making a huge joke out of it, compared to two people having sex in a publc toilet to me are no where near in the same leaugue. When the "bad" thing involves hurting others I think it is wrong, but doing a bad thing such as being a bit daring or adventurous is just harmless fun if not harming anyone else.
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks when discussing things such as smoking and masturbation because it's one of those things that is just a persons own choice, but I guess I'lll get on to that tomorrow!
In the mean time here's a quiz to test if you're bad or not. Have fun.
peace xx

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